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I’ve heard it all before 

From the false sense of security 

To the bruises like cracked windows 

Slicing my skin

And exposing scars of what could’ve been

Potential almost reached

But I find inconsistency staring me down


You hold your tongue but never shy away from a sigh

Self-sabotage forever seducing me

A parasite in control of its host

I care I care I care

Hyperaware; over-analytical;

With legs like twigs 

And a wingspan synonymous with an eagle’s

Too afraid to fly

I leave it at the door


You compare me to my peers

You say my body is not limited, only my mind

At-home remedies to alleviate the 

Undeniable yet invalid pain

Cruelty in the name of tradition

I look down 5 stories from my bed

But I leave it at the door


My ankles are weak

My elbows are fragile

My fingers hold too much tension

Always so cold


But I leave it at the door,



How can I build a healthy relationship with the one thing that has consistently hurt me?

But also given me an undeniable sense of understanding 


A once blurry world now defined through movement.


The dilemma of duality.


But for now,

I choose to do it for me

I choose to forgive you

I choose to accept the light with the dark

I choose to move forward

And carry all of me 

Even when asked to leave it at the door. 

Here is the piece I made using my poem for my composition class. 

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