An introduction...
This semester has been a time for exploration and reflection. I began by looking through old writing pieces that I created before starting the semester–many of which were quite embarrassing. As the semester progressed, I started developing projects inspired by these initial writings. I was instantly drawn to creating multimedia work, as I feel most creative when working with various forms. I love working with photography and writing, so I immediately knew I wanted to utilize those forms in my in-class experiments. I love the mass of information that can be absorbed and interpreted through photography–paired with writing to share my intentions with the audience. Using these modes, I developed a new perspective on genre, modes of practice, and what they can accomplish.
With my first experiment, I chose an essay I wrote directed to Greg Abbott, the governor of Texas, in response to the restricting abortion laws he passed. I wanted to create a project that approached the issue from an educational standpoint. I began interviewing friends about their sexual education experiences in school and held conversations about sexuality and body image. I had a plan to create a photo book with parts of our interview/conversation and a separate page with information and infographics about sexual education in America. Rather than approaching the project attacking governor Abbott, I wanted to target the more significant issue at hand. I spent my time collecting data for sexual health awareness and finding reasons why having comprehensive sexual education is significantly more useful than abstinence-only education. I acknowledge that the topic is a very vulnerable and intimate one; Nevertheless, it remains special to me. With more time, I would love to have fully realized it. I believe sexuality and sexual health must be discussed more and with less taboo.
My second experiment was heavily influenced by a poem I made, in response to the mental struggle I have with dance–a passion of mine I’ve studied since I was 10. I wrote about my love for dance and how it brings me the feeling of freedom and understanding but simultaneously becomes overwhelming with the external toxicity and self-hatred that comes along with it. For my experiment, I hoped to create a zine that explored people’s struggles with this same feeling in other art forms or passions. I found a lot of joy in interviewing people in my last experiment, so I decided to interview more friends from a wider range of majors, backgrounds, and interests. I eventually made this my fully realized project because I wanted to further what I began to discover/create. My first attempt at this zine was definitely a work in progress. I was not very happy with how I produced and formatted the zine. I initially wanted to create the zine with paper and collage, but after reworking most of the project and getting advice from peers I decided to make the work using an online platform. I am very happy with how it turned out and believe that it is a much better representation of the people I interviewed and the theme I was trying to reach with the first attempt.
I have learned that trial, error, and revision are extremely important processes that cannot be overlooked. I am definitely one to create work and not want to look at it again. Hopefully, others can find relatability in doing their best to avoid the flaws in the work they created, but through this process, I have found my fear of failure to dim. I am constantly exploring and learning from my previous efforts. I hope you enjoy what I created as much as I enjoyed making all of it. I try to incorporate community, culture, and creativity into the work I make, and I hope this is a proper reflection of those intentions.